In today’s crazy world filled with self-promotion and instant gratification, where the majority have the attention span of a gnat, most people are unconsciously craving something deeper. I wonder why??!!!! Our culture blatantly encourages (knowingly hypnotises us & dumbs us down) egoism, pushing personal desires and agenda over collective well-being. This leaves us feeling that we are lacking, isolated, lonely and stressed.
Believe it or not our essential nature is pure reverence and humility to God/ Oneness (whatever name for the creator floats your boat) and to deviate from this in to the dream of selfishness and separation from others is to suffer. As we navigate our life journey, embracing humility, honour and our deepest Truth every step of the way, God/ life guides us to nourishment and fulfilment. My free offering to you today (which comes purely from my heart with the intention only of us all connecting in Truth) will explore how reconnecting with reverence, honour, Truth and humility can help counterbalance the chaos of a self-centered society and the vast unease that many feel.
Understanding the Current Cultural Climate
When we look closely at our culture today, we see a troubling trend—ego and selfish drives come first! Many interactions reflect values centered on personal success, gain and gratification rather than community, connection and success for the group. We have a 'whats's in it for me?' take on everything. Apparently 64% of people report feeling disconnected from those around them due to a focus on individual drive and achievement. Of course drive is wonderful if its ultimate aim benefits the whole group in some way. We are the whole group! There's nothing at all wrong with being an entrepreneur and looking to be successful in your endeavours, it is an amazing trait to have when used to benefit all. Does your business, do your endeavours help or hinder the collective in the long run? Does it serve the greater community in an honourful way as well as lining your own pockets? Is it ethically run? Are your staff treated with respect? Are you honest and fair in all of your business dealings? or do you have hidden selfish agenda under your smile?
Focussing only on personal happiness and gain at the expense of another in the long run creates greater anxiety, loneliness, and a moral decline rooted in self-interest. Again while striving for success in your endeavours is essential for wellbeing, pursuing them without reverence for God who gives us life or the world around us can lead to a toxic, untrusting and untrustworthy, self indulgent mindset. Acknowledging God’s or lifes higher intelligence or presence can remind and reconnect us to love, connection, humility, wholeness and wisdom.
For sustained peace and contentment we must, before every other pursuit, acknowledge that God/ Life is the most important part of us. To be/ live in integrity we must first bow in humility to that which created us.
Remembering that God/ life is running this show and that everything you have is by Gods Grace, cultivates humility. Every skill & blessing you have is Gods grace. Every breath you get to inhale is by Gods Grace. Remembering that God calls ALL the shots and that each moment is Divinely given and your entire existence can be extinguished in the next second is to live in deep humility, honour, gratitude and reverence for the beauty of the gift of every breath.
The Consequences of Ego-Driven Living
When we let ego dominate our lives, we suffer. Anxiety, loneliness, and unrest can increase. For example, a person focusing solely on personal success or what they can 'get' out of interactions all the time may view others as competition or supply rather than allies, leading to weakened community ties. In fact, studies have shown that isolation can raise the risk of mental health issues, with nearly one in five adults experiencing anxiety or depression. But I'm not talking about surface level, bullshit interactions, I'm talking about interactions that are true, real, that satiate the Soul. Talking honestly about 'real' stuff that matters to you. Interactions where you feel safe and free enough to share yourself and your perspectives HONESTLY without a mask of social appropriateness! It takes courage to really share our opinions honestly in todays extreme polarised cancel culture.
Neglecting humility and honour means missing out on invaluable intuitive guidance. Recognising that a higher intelligence than we are runs this show can help us see our role in the larger picture. It helps us recognise that we are completely insignificant as individuals if our actions don't reflect the Truth that we are all in fact interconnected as One energy. Reverence of a higher intelligence cultivates gratitude and genuine humility, helping us naturally evolve in to a more compassionate and connected society. But the injection of respect, honour and humility for one another in to our culture will only come from each one of us beginning in our own families and daily lives first.
The Power of Humility as a Transformative Force
Embracing humility and gratitude for a higher intelligence; the life force of life itself, opens our hearts and minds up. As individuals we naturally become more receptive, open and intelligent. We don't live in fight/ flight, immediately shutting people down or diregarding whoever doesn't see life the way we do. How ignorant and limited our culture has become? Emabracing humility helps us recognise that we are but mere cogs in a bigger wheel; an intrinsic part of something far greater than our individual selves. When we understand our interconnectedness, we are more likely to act in ways that honour it wholeheartedly. For example by recognising that God flows through us we become stronger and braver to express that truth that we know may backlash at us harshly but in the long run will help that person dissolve their delusions, thus liberating them AND their loved ones, and ALL of us as a whole! The same as we would for our nearest and dearest (hopefully!!). When we are humble enough to realise that a higher power is running this show and that we are all intrinsically, obviously connected, we can no longer hide from the Truth that it wants us to deliver to whoever it wants us to deliver it to. We no longer live to protect our individual, cosy little ego delusions of safety. We become brave and live only the Truth of God. We can no longer hide our authentic expression, our heart (this is God speaking to us). Genuine humility and bowing to a higher intelligence reveals the authentic Truth of God. It isn't for the faint of heart but if we are humble and live in integrity and honour we deeply realise that "Truth will set us ALL free."
By acknowledging God as a source of all that is True and benevolent, we learn to appreciate life for the gift that it is. When practicing humility, we shift our focus from inauthenticity to authenticity knowing that living/ speaking/ acting in Truth as much as we are able, moment to moment contributes so positively to the lives of others; the collective group. Life becomes fresh, passionate, real and exciting again!
Practicing Reverence in Daily Life
To cultivate humility and reverence in our everyday lives, we need to be deliberate. Here are a few steps to consider:
Meditation and Prayer: Set aside time each day for quiet reflection. Unplug from social media. Unplug from ALL distractions. Give honour and gratitude to that which gives and takes life. This can help ground us, promoting gratitude over entitlement. It shuts our "Me, me, me" voice up for 5 mins.
Gratitude Journals: Write down things you are grateful for each day. This practice shifts our focus from personal goals and desires or victim consciousness (all that is wrong about me and my life), or how we think life or people 'should' be to satisfy 'me', to appreciating life’s blessings as they are.
Nature Immersion: Spend time outdoors. Connecting with nature fosters appreciation, creates a sense of space within the cluttered mental chaos and calms the nervous system so that you can actually feel Gods/ lifes immense and infinite presence beyond your ego, and reminds us of the bigger picture beyond our individual desires. We realise how utterly insignificant our individual lives are in the greater scheme of things. This realisation is truly humbling.
By incorporating these practices, we begin to weave reverence and humility for a higher intelligence into our daily lives, realising we don't really know anything definitively about anything, nobody does. We are just little tiny ants filled with big egoic ideas, positions and perspectives. Little tiny insignificant humans demanding to be perceived a certain way. Demanding rights. Demanding equality. Demanding bla...bla...bla. ....crying babies.
Realising our individual insignificance, realising that God/ Life is boss and is pulling ALL the strings of our human puppeteer experience, engenders a deeeeeep, genuine humility and reverence for Life.
God doesn't need any of us to run this show or to act as its 'light workers' or guides for if ha ha!!. New Age spirituality is just more egoic self centredness dressed as spirituality. Many turn their attention from materialism to spiritualism...same thing...dressed differently. Instead of wanting to be seen as rich and successful in the material world you now crave to be seen as the most amazing, Godlike Being...IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME EGOIC DRIVE!!!
....just chill and stop trying to be seen in any particular way whatsoever...stop trying to present a preferred image of yourself...just be yourself...naturally.
All God/ Life wants is your heart...your Truth...your authenticity...moment to moment...beyond your mental narrative. Then naturally your authentic Being will lead you to Wholeness and fulfilment. The collective benefits from you being your most natural expression. No fancy bells and whistles...just authenticity. Which is the most raw...simple.... expression of you and yet paradoxically the most difficult and courageous. You have to put ALL your faith back in God...where it always belonged (Not in your Ego)....Let go and let God live through you....naturally. Your most authentic self IS God.
This takes so much courage but it's Truly worth it :).
The Spiritual Dimension of Humility
Recognising God’s role in our lives enhances both personal spirituality and community well-being. When we acknowledge a higher power, we realise we are all essentially the same and ALL share common struggles and triumphs. NOBODY is any more special or lower than anyone else. This shared understanding encourages empathy and compassion for each other. We are all struggling at times. Let's finally admit it to each other and stop competing and trying to appear that we are always so well 'put together'...such BS!
Let's humble ourselves and unplug from inauthenticity and plug back in to God so that we can trust in our authentic flow in life, trust in ourselves and therefore trust each other with our current Truth! If we did that as a society we'd no longer need therapists :). We'd talk honestly with each other and offer each other different perspectives; helping each other to evolve and expand our limiting and at times, damaging perspectives, through honest communication.
In environments where humility and reverence to God or lifes higher intelligence, is practiced, people often are there for each other more, valuing others' needs as much as their own. This shift can create stronger bonds and foster peace in previously contentious situations.
Fostering a Culture of Reverence
Promoting humility requires a collective effort. We can start by encouraging discussions about reverence to our creative Source within our families, then if it feels right in public and community spaces. Schools, workplaces, and local events can be venues for fostering this dialogue. Although nobody likes bible bashers or to have alternative perspectives thrust on to them. One must be intelligent, sensitive and discerning enough to feel when there is receptivity to what you are sharing!!
Spiritual guides (if it is their genuine calling and not egoic self aggrandisement) can also play a crucial role. By developing programs focused on humility, reverence, authentic communication and understanding, they can help create environments where people feel safe, respected and their perspectives valued (as long as they're not nutters :)....boundaries!! :)). Establishing spaces for open dialogue with each other can help promote a community of unity and appreciation for diverse perspectives. From what I can see people are afraid to express opinions that go against the trend for fear of being cancelled. The self proclaimed 'marginal' groups claim to want freedom for all yet if anyone disagrees they are attacked, where is the freedom there?
Moving Towards a more Honourful and Humble Future
Restoring humble reverence for God/ Life in our self-centered culture, I feel, is essential in order for us to evolve individually and collectively & survive as a species. It can be a powerful tool against the fearful drive of egoic, self serving individualism and disconnection.
By honouring and humbling our human selves to the realisation or remembrance that every appearance is a gift of the Divine, we nurture our spirits, building a stronger connection to be able to express our free spirit of Truth, firstly to ourselves, then with others.
As we take these steps toward rediscovering reverence, humility, gratitude and honour wouldn't it be wonderful to create communities enriched by empathy and love of Truth, first within our own four walls with loved ones, then naturally flowing out to touch all. A family and community where we are not afraid to express our Truth openly with each other. No matter how ugly and inconvenient that may 'seem' to be. HOW ELSE DO WE EVOLVE IF WE CAN'T BE HONEST WITH EACH OTHER AND FACE AND EVOLVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES!
The journey toward a more connected family life, community and world begins with each one of us. By embracing humility and honouring the sacred in our lives (which is everything :)), we can transform not only ourselves but also the world around us.
Incorporating humility, gratitude and reverence into our daily lives, honouring life/ God for the gift of getting to be alive in a body for a period of time, acts as a soothing balm and remedy for the chaos driven by the egoic belief that we are personally 'in charge'. It invites a revival of community spirit, personal and collective growth, reminding us that there is so much more to life than our limited individual perspective.